Modul 10a: Molekulare Zellbiologie I (WS)
Dozenten: Prof. Dr. Uwe Wolfrum, Dr. Kerstin Nagel-Wolfrum, NN
a) Vorlesung: Molekulare Zellbiologie (2 SWS): Sprache: Deutsch/English
Inhalte/contents: Cell organization, Cytoskeleton, Molecular motors, Intracellular transport, Gene regulation, Splicing, Cilia biology, Photoreceptor cell biology, Ciliopathies, Hereditary retinal degenerations; Usher syndrome, Protein networks - Affinity proteomics, Animal and cell models, iPSCs, ocular organoids, Gene therapy
10-12 lectures incl. 2 guest speakers,
b) Übung: Molekulare Zellbiologie I
Blockveranstaltung; 2 Wochen, ganztägig, Arbeiten in 2- oder 4-Teams, Sprache: Deutsch/English
- Recombinant expression of GFP-tagged proteins in mammalian cells
- Subcellular localization of proteins in cryosections via immunofluorescence microscopy - immunohistochemistry
- Validation of molecular interactions of proteins via GFP-Trap immunoprecipitations - protein-protein Interactions
c) Seminar: Current Topics in Cell Biology Sprache: English
Presentation of a scientific original publication including background information.
Modul 10b: Molekulare Zellbiologie II (WS)
Dozenten: Prof. Dr. Uwe Wolfrum, Dr. Kerstin Nagel-Wolfrum, NN
Blockveranstaltung; 4-5 Wochen, ganztägig, Arbeiten in 2-Teams
Lab/bench work, participation at current research projects
Sprache: Deutsch/English